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October 2024

How to market your patient payment options

As a practice, you should be promoting your practice’s flexible and transparent payment methods, not only to attract new patients...


Hope Slowik

Content Writer


The dental landscape is more competitive than ever, with patient spending down over 6% in the last year. Patients not only want options in their care, they’ve come to expect convenient and affordable options every step of the way. That’s why offering a range of payment options isn’t just a service—it's a strategic advantage. 

Patients want flexible payment options.

As a practice, you should be promoting your practice’s flexible and transparent payment methods, not only to attract new patients seeking options, but also to provide peace of mind for your existing base. Clearly communicating patient payment options can reduce financial barriers to care, build trust with your patients, and–ultimately–drive your practice’s success.

Start by marketing your patient payment options online.

Carefully communicating your payment options to patients online allows them to explore options and soothe any financial concerns before even scheduling a visit, helping to convert potential patients into actual appointments on your calendar.

Payments on your website 

Your website is sort of like your practice’s online front door. Nearly 80% of patients start their search for a provider by searching online and browsing websites. That means your site is very likely to be the first asset patients encounter as they consider visiting your practice. 

Consider including a dedicated Payment Options tab in your navigation, where you can set expectations for the patient’s financial responsibility and outline the ways they can pay. 

You can then link to that page in multiple places across your website (which has the added benefit of building domain authority for your SEO), like in FAQs or within blog posts. It may feel superfluous at first, but building out several access points for patients to learn about their options increases the likelihood that they will discover it. 

Payment options on social media

If your website is the front door, your social media is a handshake. This is where you introduce yourself and share more of your practice’s personality with patients. 

Sprinkle in some posts about your payment flexibility often. The specific frequency will depend on how often you post generally, but we recommend every 6-10 posts or once every 2 months. This will ensure curious patients will find it quickly while scrolling, but those who follow you won’t be overwhelmed by repetition. 

You may also want to link to your Payment Options webpage from a linktree in your bio, making it easy for patients to access without having to look too much. 

Email campaigns featuring payment options

Email campaigns are primarily for your existing patient base, but can be an effective education tool when sent sparingly or with specific targeting. For example:

  • You could feature your payment options in a newsletter that includes other helpful topics. 
  • You could build an automated welcome campaign for new patients to your practice, which would include helpful information for their first appointment–like what to expect for their visit, parking information, and–of course–payment options. 
  • You could send a targeted email to patients with an incomplete treatment plan who have not scheduled their next visit. Subtly link out to payment options, just in case the cost is holding them back from getting the care they need. 

Marketing doesn’t stop when a patient is in your office. Market patient payment options offline too.

Every moment a patient is interacting with your practice is an opportunity to show them how dedicated to flexibility and access you are. 

Use your physical office

Posters and brochures may seem obvious, but well placed information gives patients an opportunity to peruse options while in your waiting room, or even while sitting in the chair. You can build beautiful, personalized assets yourself on Canva, or even hire a freelance designer on Upwork or Fiverr for something more custom. 

Training your team

Every member of your team should have at least a general knowledge of the options available to patients, from the front desk to hygiene and even the doctor. If a patient asks a question about payments during their visit, they should always be able to get a quick answer without having to be redirected to another team member. 

It may help to create scripts for the team to review, giving them a starting place to learn and ensuring your communication is consistent across the team.

Offer flexible payment options to capture more revenue and drive patient satisfaction.

Ultimately, the goal is to make dental care in your practice more approachable and manageable for your patients. By doing so, you not only foster loyalty and attract new patients, but also build a practice that is centered on patient care, even in a challenging economic environment. Cost should not be a barrier for any patient to get the care they need. 

We’d love to hear how you’re implementing these strategies in your own practice. Share your experiences, challenges, and successes in the comments below. And if you’re looking to add a dental subscription plan to your practice, Subscibili is here to help!

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